


It’s all about perception

What otherwise would have been an average space is significantly enhanced by wooden waves that invites the imagination.

For me, “perception” meant trying to perceive the space in a unique way.


As the morning sun filters into the café, a sense of coziness fills the space — even though it’s actually cool inside (ah… perception).

I sat by the front window, where a unique arrangement of curvy tables resembling layered rock. Their form echoes the wooden curves of the ceiling beautifully.


I had half a cheese cake (I feel like I need to slow down) and some grapefruit tea. In between sips thinking of ways to take unique shots of the café. Really had me thinking with a new perspective ;)


I knew going in that this space was popular for its ceiling piece, and I wanted to see it for myself. Looking up to admire the wooden waves was a treat, but I was pleasantly surprised by the beach rocks framing the floors.


16 Eoulmadang-ro 1-gil, Hapdžong-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

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